26 September 2008


I'm not sure what is more exciting (or scary)...the Twins playoff run or politics in the US at the moment?


Elliot said...

Or the fact that banks are falling down around us.

Whoops, there goes another now...

MVB said...

deep scott, deep!

i think you better come back stateside for october baseball!

Paul said...

Bro, you don't write for two months and thats the best you can come up with . . . i expected more

Anonymous said...

My brother recently visited NYC (when the Twins were in their final games) and we spent what felt like the entire weekend in the ESPN Zone -- the only bar in New York that played the games at all. I watched more sports in those four days than I probably have in the past two years combined.

...and I still thought the election was more interesting. But at least I just voted absentee in Minnesota! Woo!

Netta A said...

you voted right.....???