01 November 2007

All Saints Visitors

Happy All Saints Day!

Yes, we did celebrate Halloween yesterday, but my computer and external hard drive are full right now, so the video update will come soon...in the meantime, I am already on to the next holiday, All Saints Day. It's a national holiday here in Spain , and I have enjoyed the holiday by hosting my first guests: Alba, Gero, and Pauline (with Roberto coming in 30 minutes). We enjoyed the sunny day by having a walk around Laredo after checking out the nightlife of Laredo last night. It's so great to break-in a new place with familiar faces and fun to show off my new home, even though everything I see is new to me too. So I'm in the strange position as a host and tourist at the same time. I think we'll be continuing the exploration outside of Laredo with a stop in Santander tomorrow and Bilbao on Saturday! Nothing like traveling with friends.


Anonymous said...

Hola Scott,
I'm always proud of my son, the host with the most! So happy to hear your friends are there to check out your new home. I recognize some of them from the party at your Tromsø place.

Your catchy new tune and deliberate stamping of "Arrived" have combined to keep us all interested in future blogging and video clips. It makes me anxious to visit you in Laredo. The beach looks wonderful!

Mama Pat

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing your photos of your beautiful surroundings. Am anxious to come over and check out the beach. Guess we let you practice your hosting on your friends first but hope to get over in the new year. Glad you are settling in well, have had some good friends to visit and are off to a great start. Dad